Startup course for entrepreneurs (in English)

The basic course in entrepreneurship provides you with the necessary fundamental skills and knowledge to get started in realizing your business idea.

We will cover important topics that are essential for a successful business establishment, including

  • personal clarification of your goals and visions (addressing the tough questions)
  • creating a solid business plan with emphasis on key elements
  • selecting an appropriate company structure that suits your needs
  • providing information on formal requirements, rights, and obligations, including company registration.

The course will provide you with practical examples and useful references to important websites and resources that can help you explore and delve into various aspects of the establishment process.

Whether you already have a concrete business idea or simply wish to explore the possibilities, the basic course in entrepreneurship is a fantastic opportunity to learn and network with like-minded entrepreneurs in the Asker and Bærum area.

This event is part of Gründeruka in Asker og Bærum – check out the program here.

The course is hold by Inclusion AS, Paul Bø in collaboration with Bærum Næringsråd and Startup Asker and Bærum

  • Dato : 16.11.2023
  • Tid : 17:00 - 20:00 (Europe/Oslo)
  • Sted: Bærum Næringsråd

Sted info

Kjørboveien 20, 1337 Sandvika


"*" obligatorisk felt